This is my connection to family and friends,wherever they are.This includes photographs,anecdotes and anything of interest.Take care!

Friday, March 31, 2006

No-win situation.

The good news is that I have a new computer.The bad news,for me, is that it has Korean all over it.I haven't been able to use my new computer for a week.Hoping to have it all sorted out by next week.
Otherwise, the old one is really giving a few feeble attempts at redeeming itself without much success.Going to kick it-really.

Yesterday I almost lost it with a student and the only thing that saved him, was the fact that he is adorably cute,and made me laugh.He is 9 years old and as active as they come.I pulled him out of the class, to talk to him.This class is level 1(my wildest class) and have little understanding of the English language so they say anything that they know.I wasn't considering this either and refused to talk to him in broken Korean.However,he got it just right, for me to forgive him.
Me: "Why are you so naughty?Are you a bad boy?
him: YES!
Me: "Do you want me to take you to the office?
him: YES!
Me: Are you going to behave?
him: NO!
Me:Are you going to sit still?
him: NO!
Me:Want me to call you mommy?
him: YES!
me: Are you going to be a good boy?
him: NO!
me: Let's go inside,I want you to do your work.
him: NO!
No matter, I didn't have the last say,but did have a good laugh,and I can be a softy sometimes,but I know that in 2 to 3 months time,he'll answer correctly.-p

Monday, March 27, 2006

Life Coach

Sometimes people find it difficult to make decisions.So often you end up doing something that possibly you didn't want to do in the first place.Or,you have to make a decision and every part of it takes so much nervous energy, worrying, uncertainty and so on. Some people have the ability to do more that they are willing to do and don't know how to go about things-just starting is too much.Relationship issues, decision-making issues, dealing with people with whom communication is a problem.Basically, to any problem or issue that you have in your life,where it feels like you are stuck,Stuck,STUCK..I say,get yourself a Life Coach.
I had no idea what this person did,but was fortunate to have a very good friend do just this,Life Coaching, and I was intrigued.I started out with one session and it continued from there. I don't know how to describe to you just how amazing this is.The coaching itself is something that you work on,together with the guidance and gentle prodding of the coach. I find that I am more inspired afterwards to move in a positive direction. My coach may be my best friend,but this is what I can say about her as a coach.She really listens to you, she doesn't judge you and she works hard to give you all of the help that you need. She also prepares herself,spiritually and thinks only of you, before you have a session.If you want to know more about Kim, the life coach,have a look at her website. She offers a free first session.
I realise that I am advertising here,but who better to tell you about these things, than someone who has done two or three sessions of coaching.
Take a chance and go for that free session.I'm sure you'll discover more about yourself if you do.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Another year.

Nothing exciting but the frustration that went along the way to get to today lasted 2 months and 2 weeks.We are supposed to receive our contract 2 months prior to the end of the current one.My school has failed to give mine on time,everytime.Last year it was one day before.This year I received it 5 days before,only because I insisted upon having it that day-to a surprised manager,who had no idea.Last Friday,I was given a copy of the contract.I said that I wanted the original copy because that is what I will have to sign.I was given the copy because the manager didn't want it to be folded or marked by dirt.How ridiculous!I'm not 2 years old! I mentioned that the whole idea was stupid and called for double work, then walked away.Later that day I got the original. Today I went to the immigration office,only to be told that I needed to fill in a confirmation sheet along with the renewal application forms.The confirmation sheet was to ensure that my documents were not false.This meant that we had to go back to school.The manager returned to the office ,without me,with the paperwork and all is well.I have a new visa till 2007.The moral is, if you need something done,do it yourself or if you can't do it yourself insist, persist and keep on persisting until you get what you want or need to have.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Subway madness.

I've had a busy weekend.Today I met some friends to watch the movie "V or Vendetta". It was very good, however,later on, I thought that this was just another "Phantom of the Opera" type deal with a difference. Well, I just had to take the subway.The Daejeon subway opened last week.There are 12 subway stops operating and the rest is still under construction.What really infuriates me is that the 13th stop is near my place.A two minute walk away.But I can still walk the 10 minutes to the nearest stop,so that's ok.I save money on taxi fare and get some exercise in between.
When I got there, I was surprised to see families taking the subway.Children were given balloons.The train was full.Everything is new and exciting and it's better to be part of the first million to take the subway.Some people had problems using the ticket machines and others just looked at all the decor.
Getting around is much more convenient-no long stretches in traffic,no waiting for a bus which took 40 minutes to get downtown,now its about 12 minutes on the DJet-excellent!

Thursday, March 16, 2006


Die taal maak my mal.Ek is baie lief vir lees..en gisteraand sit ek met niks.Ek kyk toe op my boekrak vir iets te lees voer ek bed toe gaan.Die "pickings" was min en die eennigste boek wat daar sit is "Die Verdwaalde land" deur Abraham Phillips. Ek het die` boek gedoen jare "before" in "college".Op die laaste "trip" Kaap toe, het ek dit in die "luggage" gesit,omdat ek wil probeer.Dit gaan bitter swaar vir my "because" ek praat min die taal hier.Jislaaik!swaar..maar ek probeer.My beste vriend het vir my a Huisgenoot gestuur en ek het dit probeer lees,van eerste blad, na die laaste..oor en oor..toe gee ek die "magazine" vir my Kaapse vriendin hier.
My Afrikaans is lekker vrot...maar dit sal weer terug kom.

Translation: The language makes me mad.I love to read..and lastnight I sat with nothing. I looked at my bookcase for something to read before going to bed.The pickings were little and the only book that was there was "The lost land"(ha ha,I know this is wrong) by Abraham Phillips. I did this book years ago at college.On my last trip to the Cape,I put this is my luggage,because I want to try. It was very difficult for me because I speak little the language here.Jislaaik!(no translation) difficult..but I try. My best friend sent me a Huisgenoot(magazine) and I tried to read,from the first page, to the last..over and over..then I gave it to my Capetonian friend here.My Afrikaans is very bad..but it will come back.

So much for me teaching English.I translated in a direct way.Some of my friends back home will laugh.Being here for so long, I have little contact with Afrikaans.However, the fact that I can speak it with another South African is great..but often we can't remember what a word is in English.Sad,sad..I'm reading this book, but it's frustrating ,especially longer words.It might end up being thrown against the wall-P

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Student tales.

Yes,yes..I haven't been on here for a few days.
Hello to Adam...had a look at your site, Noah's growing lovely and looks more like Ann.Greetings to you and the family over in England. If you want to see that,go over to He has lots of great photo's.

The new school year started last week.Add to that, the fact that we have a new set of books and what seems like double pressure for preparation time.A book that has to stretch for a year and you have to include lots of supplementary materials.This is different from the days where I could walk in at 5 minutes before the class started and be ready because I knew the material.Moving on..most of my students are new to me and my level 1 class of 8 year olds are in a league of their own.I was surprised by how much English they already knew,usually they know nothing,and that would be due to the fact that they had some learning done in Kindergarten/Pre-school.While learning "Who's this?" and the answer was.."It's Ricky". One student said "Ricky? Ricky Mouse?".The next part was "It's Harry". Another student said "Harry Potter"..however in an i'll-do-you-one-better manner, one student blurted "Harry-copter!".They all laughed, one fell off his chair-unharmed.Yesterday in another class,I wanted to explain to the the students that when we do play games, it will be given as a reward nad not just because they say "Teacher, game!". I said "I need you to understand,that.." And this is where I stopped because two students stood up.Needs more work,comes to mind.
The students often say or do things that brings laughter and that makes each day different.
Writing like this, is also new to me-hhmn.

Thursday, March 09, 2006


So, my wonderful computer is giving me grief.
Often refusing to cooperate, having hiccups and being an absolutely stubborn mule.
She's old and has to go.
In the meantime, I'll do writing posts only, until I get a new computer,about the end of the month.
Apologies to those looking forward to photo's.