This is my connection to family and friends,wherever they are.This includes photographs,anecdotes and anything of interest.Take care!

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Off to the Mother City!

I won't be blogging for about a week because I am going to see my family and friends in Cape Town.This will be an exciting whirlwind vacation.
Kim...Happy Birthday,lade..lots of love and kisses..will see you soon.
Paula..enjoy your last week in Korea.Muah!

Thursday, August 18, 2005


There is a small section across from where I live that used to be a dumping ground for trash.My landlord,with lots of time on his hands,has transformed it into a garden of fun.I am not sure what he plants there except the tomatoes.He was excited that I took photo's of it all.A garden is a rarity and it's the one thing that I do miss from back home.
While I am not a huge tomato fan,I found Toma Toma in the store which even the tomato enthusiast would turn down.

The landlord's garden. Posted by Picasa

It looks like a bunch of grapes. Posted by Picasa

ooh. Posted by Picasa

a cluster of tomatoes. Posted by Picasa

Almost ready for that salad. Posted by Picasa

sad looking tomato leaves. Posted by Picasa

leaves,not from the tomato plants. Posted by Picasa

The silver brick "fence". Posted by Picasa

I think I like flowers just for the colors..who cares what they are..I don't. Posted by Picasa

pretty colors...fuschia,maybe. Posted by Picasa

Toma Toma ice cream...tomato flavoured ice cream on a stick.Could this be the lastest "well-being" addition?Probably.I don't know about this one,but I'll try. Posted by Picasa

A taste of it..and I don't like it.Chuck! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Mossie attacks!

This is disgusting,but I'll post it anyway.
I went to the doctor yesterday for mosquito bites.He was owning it in his pink shirt again.I get bitten in the worst way and there are always marks left,but this was scary.I had dark purple stains, which looked like birthmarks or port wine stains where I was bitten.When I asked pink doctor what this was he said "it is a delayed reaction to mosquito bites" received a lovely injection and meds.Note to self: carry the repellent at all times.
(I'll try not to do this kind of post again.)

how horrible! Posted by Picasa

The Cool band.

Firstly, thank you Paula for taking these performance pics and sending it to me.
Life has taken an interesting turn the past week or so.A friend called me and asked if I'd be interested in singing in a band, as that band's lead singer has just left the country.I said,ok.Two practice sessions later, we performed last Saturday night at the Cool Bar in downtown Taejon.I only sang 4 songs as my knowlegde of rock music is low,so I'll have to learn.My friends were there to support me(Muah!) and it was a little nervewrecking to see the place fill up with people so quickly.
The band leader is Curt.Dan plays the drums.Sam(female) plays bass guitar,Rod plays guitar and Pete plays the trumpet and I sing.The music is a combination of rock and jazz.The group is made of teachers,except Sam-she is Korean.They are great to work with and a lot of fun.The idea is to perform every second week at this bar.However,I was told that the band's name changes all the time.Charles,the Korean bar owner-shows a lot of patience.This is done all for "good times" and not for the money.

Me and my mouth,singing. Posted by Picasa

That's Pete on the trumpet and Curt on guitar and vocals. Posted by Picasa

There is the bar which is located on the second floor. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, August 11, 2005


Last Friday,I was once again in the department store and there's this "Foreigner food"section.Please note that the food is not made of foreigners but food from other countries which a foreigner,living in Korea,might want to purchase.Every department store has a section;it's not huge and the variety is mostly from Asia.I saw Marie biscuits that were made in Japan.For me, this was a reminder of "back home".We used to eat this with a spread of margarine or a slice of cheddar...ask me why?,no idea.
I'm happy to say that I had my Marie biscuit was worth it.

It cost me W3000/$3.00.And for those back home,R19.00! Cravings do cost-but I always say,"Would I rather pay x-amount or buy a plane ticket?".I always pay the x-amount. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Dunsan Prehistoric Site.

In search of something to photograph, I remembered this place.I pass it all the time and not once in 5 years did I go in there until shows you how desperate I was to take pics.
I wasn't too impressed with the Prehistoric site because there were just 5 huts/dwellings in there.Although it is amazing how they have kept this small part of the city as a tribute to its history.

This site traces the history of Daejeon to the Old Stone Age( 800 BC). It shows us an idea of how people lived and how agriculture started.The pointed straw houses are called dwellings.I call them huts.The inside of the dwelling had mud as a floor and a hole in the ground,possibly for cooking. Posted by Picasa

It is vital to take a picture of the information board,especially when you don't have a pen handy.(Some boards have hilarious English also.)I do this with hotels while travelling,just in case. Posted by Picasa

Door handles.(what more can I say) Posted by Picasa

Part of the wall around the site. Posted by Picasa

I should really stop taking pics of flowers. Posted by Picasa

A cool spider's web. Posted by Picasa

It is a lovely place to just relax. Posted by Picasa

Part of the decor is this pot.It looks old,but I don't know how old it is. Posted by Picasa