This is my connection to family and friends,wherever they are.This includes photographs,anecdotes and anything of interest.Take care!

Monday, June 26, 2006

There's hope.

The task of packing, chucking and cleaning feels like it will never end.But soon that will be done.
My main goal to is find Cutie a home.So far two people have shown an interest.
I got the dog yesterday for a walk and again I asked the owners if I or a friend can take her, and they said yes.Even asked me, Why don't you take it to Africa? I won't be able to take her.
I'd feel happier knowing that she is in a good home.She deserves better than what she has now.
Keeping fingers crossed!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

This hurts...

This evening, after about a week of madness at work-I decided to get Cutey and take her for a long walk.Thinking we both needed it.
She usually sits after me having to tell her 3 or 4 times.Not tonight-on the first one, she sat and got her snack.
She's usually hyper at the start of the walk-not tonight, she was calm all the time.
She likes playing with her stuffed fish toy- not tonight,she just wanted me to give her back and neck rubs.She didn't resist the hug I gave her.

This hurts because she has grown on me.I can't take her with me.I will ask a close friend for help with Cutey.She does need a better home.I just wonder if she can sense all of this.
It hurts, knowing that she will be tied up whole day and whole night,stuck with people who just want to give her away.
I will walk her as often as I can, give her a bath one day and let her play. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, June 18, 2006

When one door closes..

Things have not been good at work.There's been a lot of "I don't know","I'm not sure" and "I think so" to any questions asked.
The bottom line is that our school is closing at the end of June and we, the teachers ,were the last ones to find out.I found out that some friends of mine heard about this a week and a half prior.
The way the whole issue was handled was unacceptable and unprofessional.
It's apparently an embarassment or loss of face to declare that your business is closing.
We were told on the 9th that we had to attend a meeting at the main campus.At one stage it was called an interview.Interview for what?Of course we had lots of questions as to why, and what ..but our manager knew nothing.He gets word from the big boss and has to just follow instructions.
On Tuesday,13th,I received a call from the person I am supposed to meet.He informs me that the school was closing and that they were giving us options or the best that they can.Because I am coordinator,I had to inform everyone else of what they needed and what was going on.He was surprised that we didn't know and even hinted that the manager possibly knew and was faking.We were given options of continuing our current contract or starting a new contract or leave.To explain, the main campus is the university,and they are not our employers.Our employers has always been the high school next door.However, with the closing of the school,part of the plan was to change the employer, from high school to university.
All good and well.Nothing was handled acceptably and we should have been told at least a month ago,not 2 days before we needed to make a decision.We were shocked and then moved into action.

At the meeting on Thursday,I knew my decision before walking in.Within 1 hour I had my plane ticket reserved and paid for in the next 2.
In a way, this is all a good thing for me.I get to go home earlier than I planned. 7 Years and 3 months later,I go back.It's been a wild ride.
I'll miss a lot of wonderful friends and Koreans I have met over the years.I will miss my students most of all. I've worked with great teachers.I will miss Cutey,the dog.I really wanted to find a home for her.I will miss "Caveman Radio" the most.The guys in the band,ROCK.
I was in shock for three days,add to that sleep deprivation,meeting friends and the enormous moving task that lies ahead.Chuck,Chuck,Chuck! I told my students that I am leaving and one class was not happy at all, but wanted my email address.There were one or two students that shouted "yes",only because I always give them a hard time.Figures.
Still one more work week,the rest of the time will be dedicated to packing,partying and enjoying it all, until I leave on July 2nd.

I am a little excited to be going home.It's not "goodbye",but see you again.
I'll be taking a break.Time to reflect, breathe and plan the next adventure.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Wedding bells.

On Sunday was Collin and June's wedding.
It took place in a lovely garden with a cafe' next to it.The service was conducted in English and Korean, with John,Collin's father, reading the English translation of the Korean guy's speech.(Don't know what to call him)
Collin was all smiles and so was June.
Wishing them all the best.

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before the ceremony. Posted by Picasa

The,the string quartet. Posted by Picasa

Kathleen and Eric. Posted by Picasa

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During the ceremony. Posted by Picasa

Poems and speeches in English and Korean. Posted by Picasa

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The 4 Posted by Picasa

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Saturday, June 10, 2006


It was fabulous having Tuesday off.(Memorial day)

I spoke to a friend in the States -we haven't spoken in years.Always keep that friendship connection "on",especially if you are far apart.

Cutey,the dog, gets so excited when she sees me and immediately does a no.1.

My Friday Adult class frustrates me so much.I hate to label them,but this has to be said:They are catatonic. They don't speak, don't respond,don't speak,don't contribute,did I mention they don't speak? So often I think that it's me,and I try and change the approach or lesson.I feel as if I am talking to myself and there are these people sitting and listening.I need to check for a pulse next time.

I award a sticker for each mosquito smashed in little hands. The students are eager to increase their stickers-this means they don't have to work too hard.

My first attempt at Fresh Broccoli soup turned out okay.Needs cream to make it illegal.

World Cup Soccer is on again...I can re-live the moments of 2002 through photographs.Otherwise,I couldn't be's not Cricket.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

At last..

Lastnight I joined some friends for dinner at an Indian restaurant that some other friends have been raving about.It's in Koondong.Once we got there, I was surprised that the place was so small.Only 12 people could be seated in there.It feels like you are sitting in somebody's kitchen.The food is made in the same room and there is no menu.The owner serves up whatever he has that day.We had Lamb curry,vegetable curry,salad and a lot of naan.There were 7 of us and it came to W60 000/$60.00. To me it seemed as if the owner just kept on adding more to the table.The price is reasonable,because other "western" places would be about minimum $20 each.The food was yummy.You could get some Indian or Bollywood inspired dvd's also.
The best part is that, now I don't have to go to Seoul to buy real curry powder or other spices.This restaurant is busy and one needs to make a reservation.
My only hope is that they make enough money to get a bigger place.

Monday, June 05, 2006

So I cried.

My day started out terribly.I was running a little late this morning and on my way to work,I have to cross a main road.Noticed the usual lot of people waiting to cross.As I crossed the road,I saw a shi tzu dog,standing on the other end at the side of the road, panting.I noticed that there was nobody close to it..I thought it was a guy's dog, but he just continued to cross the road.As I got closer,I saw that this dog was injured.There was blood on the chin and the right front paw had a gash,that was also bleeding.Immediately I wanted to do something for this dog,but was torn between going to class late and helping it.I rushed to school and told two of the colleagues what I saw.Of course, I couldn't hold my tears...train wreck.I went to my manager and asked him to see if he could find the dog and take it to the vet.I was surprised that he went, then again, maybe the fact that I was crying stunned him into action.He went and later I found out that the dog was not there.He also went to the pet clinic that is across the road to ask..maybe someone brought it in there.
At the start of my class, the adults could see that something was wrong.I'm too honest with them and told them..cried again.They just sat there.
I don't know what the worst part of it all was.I could have just called work and said I'd be late,(which wouldn't have gone over well) and take the dog to the pet clinic.This dog was well taken care of,that hurts.He was either dumped or something.
My only hope and prayer is that someone found him and took him to the vet.
If people cannot take care of pets, why bother getting them in the first place.
As my friend wrote (click on the quotation) , "Pets are forever.You are responsible for their whole life."

Thursday, June 01, 2006

A good day

Yesterday was Elections,(who cares) a day off from work is always good. I fetched the Cute One and we went for a walk.Now you can see the haircut.She looks smaller,smells better.
I know..I know...stop with the dog pics...but it wasn't easy taking pictures with an active dog.

smooth and shiny. Posted by Picasa

the one minute rest.(I didn't have a tissue to clean her time) Posted by Picasa

searching for the snack. Posted by Picasa

"happy" Posted by Picasa

rolling in the grass Posted by Picasa

"thinking" Posted by Picasa

Something in there. Posted by Picasa