No-win situation.
The good news is that I have a new computer.The bad news,for me, is that it has Korean all over it.I haven't been able to use my new computer for a week.Hoping to have it all sorted out by next week.
Otherwise, the old one is really giving a few feeble attempts at redeeming itself without much success.Going to kick it-really.
Yesterday I almost lost it with a student and the only thing that saved him, was the fact that he is adorably cute,and made me laugh.He is 9 years old and as active as they come.I pulled him out of the class, to talk to him.This class is level 1(my wildest class) and have little understanding of the English language so they say anything that they know.I wasn't considering this either and refused to talk to him in broken Korean.However,he got it just right, for me to forgive him.
Me: "Why are you so naughty?Are you a bad boy?
him: YES!
Me: "Do you want me to take you to the office?
him: YES!
Me: Are you going to behave?
him: NO!
Me:Are you going to sit still?
him: NO!
Me:Want me to call you mommy?
him: YES!
me: Are you going to be a good boy?
him: NO!
me: Let's go inside,I want you to do your work.
him: NO!
No matter, I didn't have the last say,but did have a good laugh,and I can be a softy sometimes,but I know that in 2 to 3 months time,he'll answer correctly.-p
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