Things have not been good at work.There's been a lot of "I don't know","I'm not sure" and "I think so" to any questions asked.
The bottom line is that our school is closing at the end of June and we, the teachers ,were the last ones to find out.I found out that some friends of mine heard about this a week and a half prior.
The way the whole issue was handled was unacceptable and unprofessional.
It's apparently an embarassment or loss of face to declare that your business is closing.
We were told on the 9th that we had to attend a meeting at the main campus.At one stage it was called an interview.Interview for what?Of course we had lots of questions as to why, and what ..but our manager knew nothing.He gets word from the big boss and has to just follow instructions.
On Tuesday,13th,I received a call from the person I am supposed to meet.He informs me that the school was closing and that they were giving us options or the best that they can.Because I am coordinator,I had to inform everyone else of what they needed and what was going on.He was surprised that we didn't know and even hinted that the manager possibly knew and was faking.We were given options of continuing our current contract or starting a new contract or leave.To explain, the main campus is the university,and they are not our employers.Our employers has always been the high school next door.However, with the closing of the school,part of the plan was to change the employer, from high school to university.
All good and well.Nothing was handled acceptably and we should have been told at least a month ago,not 2 days before we needed to make a decision.We were shocked and then moved into action.
At the meeting on Thursday,I knew my decision before walking in.Within 1 hour I had my plane ticket reserved and paid for in the next 2.
In a way, this is all a good thing for me.I get to go home earlier than I planned. 7 Years and 3 months later,I go back.It's been a wild ride.
I'll miss a lot of wonderful friends and Koreans I have met over the years.I will miss my students most of all. I've worked with great teachers.I will miss Cutey,the dog.I really wanted to find a home for her.I will miss "Caveman Radio" the most.The guys in the band,ROCK.
I was in shock for three days,add to that sleep deprivation,meeting friends and the enormous moving task that lies ahead.Chuck,Chuck,Chuck! I told my students that I am leaving and one class was not happy at all, but wanted my email address.There were one or two students that shouted "yes",only because I always give them a hard time.Figures.
Still one more work week,the rest of the time will be dedicated to packing,partying and enjoying it all, until I leave on July 2nd.
I am a little excited to be going home.It's not "goodbye",but see you again.
I'll be taking a break.Time to reflect, breathe and plan the next adventure.