This is my connection to family and friends,wherever they are.This includes photographs,anecdotes and anything of interest.Take care!

Thursday, April 27, 2006


The Starbucks plant is showing signs of growth. There is hope for it.
I tasted a mint flavored Girl Scout's cookie for the first time..thanks to a colleague.
Giving tests to level 1 students is not easy..they don't know about the "don't cheat" rule.
The lady at the bakery gave me two slices of warm bread covered in sugar,as a"service" gift.
There is a lot of power in one student whom I've had for 2 years said:"Teacher, now I really love you."
The photocopier is the new water fountain.

One has to appreciate the little things.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Magic bean?

I went to Starbucks a week or so ago.Since it is expensive and now I don't drink coffee,I rarely go,but I had a cup of Chai-which was terrible.Might as well buy the teabags and make it at home.All they did was heat milk and add Chai syrup..blech.They gave me a plant kit as a gift,considering that it was Arbor day during that week.I took it home,read the instructions as best I could and planted the bean.We'll see..because I had plants awhile back and They. didn't. survive.I just wonder what this plant is-a work in progress. Posted by Picasa

the container, with some soil and the mystery "bean". Posted by Picasa

just in case you don't know what you're supposed to do. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Aliens in the classroom.

Last week the students had to make their own masks.I provided materials and asked them to be creative.This is a hard thing for them to do as most of the time, all they do is copy paintings or pictures very well.My students came up with the most creative aliens.But some managed to forget that they need "eye-holes",that came later.-p

Ben and his "knife" with a Samuri look. Posted by Picasa

from top left: one-eyed Conehead,Four-eyed alien,not sure what the light blue one is supposed to be,and the Sunshine alien with an eye challenge. Posted by Picasa

from the top left: Two-face green,Purple Spiderman-ish,Frankenstein-shaped head in orange and then the one eyed,green-hand head alien,which I made.(had to have a student model it for me) Posted by Picasa

It's a small class. Posted by Picasa

geez! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Today I was surprised to receive Easter eggs.This one has a paper basket,complete with flower decorations.This is "Family day" back home,with a day off work.No such luck here.
Happy Belated Easter! Posted by Picasa

Strange,that book below is "The Return of the King"...go figure. Posted by Picasa

no marshmellow Easter this will do. Posted by Picasa

My student, Trudy, gave this to me.She said that she made it.There are doubts are to whether or not this can be eaten. Posted by Picasa

star stickers, nice touch. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Back in business.

Spring is here..with heat around the corner.Feel like I need to learn and play a bit..forgot how to post pics. Posted by Picasa

On the way to work, Cherry blossoms. Posted by Picasa

Another Spring flower/tree. Posted by Picasa

Friday, April 14, 2006

Weekly website pick

So I lied about posting picks today.Sorry, forgot that I need to download camera stuff, etc.
For today, have a look at my friend Matt's website. It contains interesting accounts of his day, frustrations, happy moments, movie reviews, living in Korea,computer games, teaching and much more. His comments are straightforward and the incidents, hilarious-more in depth than just a photograph-Enjoy.
Now, will be pics.Promise.-p

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Woo hoo!

I know, I know..haven't been on here.Well the good news is that my new computer is all connected and ready to do some hard work.Thank the gods that I live in a country that is "the most wired" that it doesn't take long to have a computer technician over to fix things.I can't say the same for my own country and that includes the cost of Internet access,etc.
Anyway,the old computer will be unceremoniously chucked on a "waste removal" truck.This is really just a guy with his truck and a loud speaker, announcing all the things that he will take from you.The loud speaker-no matter who is selling products, fruit or picking up waste-that noise is enough to make you want to go out there and shoot the speaker or pull out the ribbon from the tape. Many times I've had this thought in my head.However,today I am glad that it's going to make life a little easier.

Yellow dust and weird weather..urgh.The other day I took some that will be my first photo entry next.-p

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Small world

I recently told two friends about something that was important to me and for them to just keep it a secret.No,I'm not telling you what that was.As it happens, they were all, "Oh no,we won't say".This was about a month ago.Since then we never mentioned it.However, lastnight while partying with some friends..a person who is visiting Korea-who used to live here-started talking to me.You know, catching up and stuff like that.I find that people always want to know what your next step will be.So old-anyway,then she said "I heard that you...".Secret was passed on to her.I was stunned,not angry.I just smiled and said nothing.I didn't confirm or deny.
Lesson:Daejon is small.You can't say anything to anyone without it coming back to you in the form of something else or it's original form, from someone you don't know.If you gossiped, it would be worse.If you poured out your heart to a stranger..oh geez.It's like everything gets talked about and you're the last one to find out.Note to self: say nothing.