Firstly, thank you Paula for taking these performance pics and sending it to me.
Life has taken an interesting turn the past week or so.A friend called me and asked if I'd be interested in singing in a band, as that band's lead singer has just left the country.I said,ok.Two practice sessions later, we performed last Saturday night at the Cool Bar in downtown Taejon.I only sang 4 songs as my knowlegde of rock music is low,so I'll have to learn.My friends were there to support me(Muah!) and it was a little nervewrecking to see the place fill up with people so quickly.
The band leader is Curt.Dan plays the drums.Sam(female) plays bass guitar,Rod plays guitar and Pete plays the trumpet and I sing.The music is a combination of rock and jazz.The group is made of teachers,except Sam-she is Korean.They are great to work with and a lot of fun.The idea is to perform every second week at this bar.However,I was told that the band's name changes all the time.Charles,the Korean bar owner-shows a lot of patience.This is done all for "good times" and not for the money.