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No great shakes on the first day back at work...blech..I'm grateful that my level 1 class remembered the alphabet-we had a singing competition of the greatest hit.."ABCD",you know that tune.However, one or two students stumbled at the end,or repeated previous letters.To me-an improvement.
It's true that you don't realise the value of something until it is gone. Two weeks ago,I quit the band,because I need to work on something else and need the time. It felt like I broke up with a guy-I cried also. That same weekend,after quitting for 5 days,the band had a show.Since I wasn't at practice,I had no idea. I got a message that they were playing."Can you come?" Once I got there and heard them play..I realised that I made a mistake.I love singing,why leave? When will I sing again with a band? I can't leave this,I like it too much. This was going through my head. I felt the familiar pull of my relationship with the mike. Curt asked me to sing a song, and it's like I never left.I then joined the band again. Have been to practice faithfully, and am doing my homework. I have worked out my time management issues.Tonight we had a fantastic practice..won't tell you what songs we did...I had fun and the guys can rock.Hang on, THE.BAND.ROCKS.
If I didn't leave for those few days,I wouldn't have known what singing means to me and what the guys mean to me also. Hugs to the Cavemen!
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