This is my connection to family and friends,wherever they are.This includes photographs,anecdotes and anything of interest.Take care!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Press play.

No great shakes on the first day back at work...blech..I'm grateful that my level 1 class remembered the alphabet-we had a singing competition of the greatest hit.."ABCD",you know that tune.However, one or two students stumbled at the end,or repeated previous letters.To me-an improvement.

It's true that you don't realise the value of something until it is gone. Two weeks ago,I quit the band,because I need to work on something else and need the time. It felt like I broke up with a guy-I cried also. That same weekend,after quitting for 5 days,the band had a show.Since I wasn't at practice,I had no idea. I got a message that they were playing."Can you come?" Once I got there and heard them play..I realised that I made a mistake.I love singing,why leave? When will I sing again with a band? I can't leave this,I like it too much. This was going through my head. I felt the familiar pull of my relationship with the mike. Curt asked me to sing a song, and it's like I never left.I then joined the band again. Have been to practice faithfully, and am doing my homework. I have worked out my time management issues.Tonight we had a fantastic practice..won't tell you what songs we did...I had fun and the guys can rock.Hang on, THE.BAND.ROCKS.
If I didn't leave for those few days,I wouldn't have known what singing means to me and what the guys mean to me also. Hugs to the Cavemen!


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