This is my connection to family and friends,wherever they are.This includes photographs,anecdotes and anything of interest.Take care!

Thursday, July 14, 2005


On Sunday, June 26th I went to the festivities to see what Phillipino day was all about.[I know this is a late entry, but I had to get the information right.] I have many friends from the Phillipines.Brian was so enthusiastic and invited us to be there.Paula and I arrived too early,so we spent some time sitting outside in plastic chairs at a nearby family mart drinking ice mocha's.The event itself was informative and interesting.The SMMP stands for a long name in Tagalog; the main purpose of the group is to keep the Phillipino community in Korea active in everything.The day was filled with awards handed out for achievements in basketball,announcements of future projects and the highlight was the raffle draw.I bought 4 tickets and Julius bought ten,we didn't win the dvd player. :( !!The ambassador was also there.They served us a lunch of Phillipino food.My favorite was the white coconut squares with corn and the spring rolls.
It was infortunately hot but worth it to see and learn about another culture.One day,Boracay or Palawan...ooh.
Salamat po to gwa`po Brian for working so hard.Salamat po to gwa`po Julius for supplying me with the information on the photographs.Apologies for the dark photo's..they had the lights off.Got to work on the camera manual again.


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